nPar: nPar is a hard partition/physical partition of a single computer into multiple partitions, each having separate hardware components. vPar: vPar is a virtual partition/separation of either a single computer or an nPar into multiple virtual partitions using vPar software. Check vPar status in HP-UX First …
To find the physical memory details of an HP-UX machine/server, use the machinfo command. It will display the detailed hardware information of CPU, Memory, Firmware, Machine Model, Hardware Serial Number etc. Login as a root user or super user and run the below command to get the memory details …
To find the CPU information of an HP-UX machine/server, use the machinfo command. It will display the detailed hardware information of CPU, Memory, Firmware, Machine Model, Hardware Serial Number etc. Login as a root user or super user and run the below command to get the CPU or …
October 26, 2017
Linux, macOS
Use the dmidecode command to see the hardware information of an RHEL server running. On Linux-based systems, you can extract most of the system and hardware information from the /proc file system. Run the commands shown below as a root user or superuser to find the system …
GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) is a default bootloader in Linux (all Unix-like) operating system. Anyone can log in into Single User Mode and may change the root user password, system settings etc. This is the big security flow. So, to prevent such an unauthorized person to …
You can remove the GRUB Password after login into the system, follow the steps given below: Login into the system through root user. Open the grub.conf file into vi editor. # vi /boot/grub/grub.conf OR # vi /etc/grub.conf Comment the password line in the grub.conf file or remove this …