WhatsApp has added the ability to add bold, italicised and strikethrough options to your chats in its latest update. While the new feature was first tested in beta, it is now available for users running version 2.12.17 on iOS and version 2.12.535 for Android. The update …
Apple was the first to offer the so-called Continuity feature between the Mac OS X and iOS. The service itself is called Handoff and allows you to begin a task on a Mac machine and continue it on an iOS device, or vice versa. The Handoff …
Google has announced that it will retire its Chrome app launcher. The company said that since Windows, Mac and Linux users prefer to launch their apps from within Chrome, it is discontinuing the app launcher. “With Chrome’s continued emphasis on simplicity and streamlining browser features, the …
Nik Collection, a package of seven photography tools, is now completely free. Previously, Google sold the plugins for a steep $149. Google acquired Nik Collection with the 2012 purchase of Nik Software, the German company that is better known for the Snapseed apps for Android and …
The Mac Task Manager Task Manager of Mac OS X is called Activity Monitor. You can find the status of the system like CPU uses, Network info, Disk info etc. through Activity Monitor. You can also kill a process through Activity Monitor. Remember, the Task Manager …
Finding your Mac’s basic specification in OS X is very simple, follow the steps given below: To find your Mac’s basic specs, click the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen. From the drop-down menu, click About This Mac to open the System …
You can create Add a Gadget link to add a gadget above the header in blogger. To Add a Gadget above the header follows the below steps: In your Blogger Dashboard go to Template >> Edit HTML Search for text <b:section class=’header’ id=’header’ and you find the below line of code. <b:section class='header' id='header' …
If you forgot the root user password, then the only way to change it is by login in through single-user mode. Since VPAR is not a physical machine so it can’t be restarted directly. You have to login in to the VSP through NPAR management IP …