HPE provides the patches for the HP-UX OS as a bundled depot file. After installing the depot file, you may verify the HP-UX OS patch using the below command. # swlist |grep -i qpk QPKAPPS B.11.31.2403.466 Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v3, Mar 2024 QPKBASE B.11.31.2403.466 …
In IT Data Centers backup is a very important task. As a system administrator, you need to take and keep a backup of codes, important files, logs, image backups of OS etc. For HP-UX operating systems, HPE provides an HP-UX system administration toolset called Dynamic Root …
NESSUS tool found below vulnerability on a server. 71049 – SSH Weak MAC Algorithms Enabled Synopsis The remote SSH server is configured to allow MD5 and 96-bit MAC algorithms. Description The remote SSH server is configured to allow either MD5 or 96-bit MAC algorithms, both …
Problem One day I tried to log in on my HP-UX and got the below error, which showed that my account is disabled and I need to contact the account administrator. login as: root Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Account is disabled - see Account Administrator Access denied …
To increase the security of an HP-UX 11.31 system, it is required to convert a not trusted system to a trusted system. You can’t implement all the security measures like password policy etc. on a not trusted system. You may convert a not trusted HP-UX system …
Not Trusted System To check whether an HP-UX system is trusted or not, you may run the below command: # /usr/lbin/getprdef -rSystem is not trusted. The output of the above command shows that the system is not a trusted system. Here, I have run the above …
There are two types of authentications that are being used in UNIX systems for SSH connections. The first one is in password-based authentication and the second one is in public key-based authentication. In public key-based authentication, we used a key pair for SSH convection and there …