One day I tried to log in on my HP-UX and got the below error, which showed that my account is disabled and I need to contact the account administrator.
login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Account is disabled - see Account Administrator
Access denied
After that, I tried to log in to the system through the console but got the below error message.
- - - - - - - - - - - - Live Console - - - - - - - - - - - -
Console Login: root
Account is disabled but console login is allowed.
Login incorrect
My account became disabled due to multiple incorrect login attempts, actually, I had given the wrong password. But on the console, I had given the correct password but it was not accepted because the password was having special character @.
I got the correct password which was daw@1 and tried to log in to this machine through the console but got the below message. It was showing the message that the login was incorrect while I was giving the correct password.
login: root Password: Account is disabled but console login is allowed. Login incorrect
I tried many times but it was not accepting the password daw@1. Finally, I found the solution that the HP-UX console does not accept the special characters in the password. For passwords with special characters like @, you need to quote the special character with “\“. In my case, I have given the password as daw\@1 and successfully log in to the system.
- - - - - - - - - - - - Live Console - - - - - - - - - - - - Console Login: root Password: Last successful login for root: Tue Sep 15 19:47:51 IST-5:30 2020 Last unsuccessful login for root: Tue Sep 15 19:47:34 IST-5:30 2020 Please wait...checking for disk quotas You have mail. Value of TERM has been set to "vt100". WARNING: YOU ARE SUPERUSER !!
Last Updated: September 24, 2020