I am getting comments on posts for the links given to the posts. I need to approve, delete or mark spam to these comments. These comments are huge in numbers and look like spam.
I googled and found that these comments are called self-pingbacks. This means that if you link to one of your own articles on the same site, then WordPress would automatically send a pingback to itself.
To disable self pingbacks install the No Self Pings plugin from the plugin store and activate it to stop the self pingbacks when linking to previous posts in new blog posts
Disable Trackbacks and Pingbacks in WordPress
To stop trackbacks and pingbacks, then there is an option for you to disable them entirely. Follow the process given below to disable the pingbacks.
- Go to the Settings » Discussion page
- Uncheck Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) option.
Unchecking that box will only disable trackbacks and pingbacks for future posts (not existing posts).
Last Updated: August 15, 2020